Thursday, April 27, 2006

The feared face

Since I gave my life to Jesus 6 1/2 years ago, I have tried living my life with joy. That means going out and having a somewhat positive attitude. I try and smile and be polite to people. I figure that's what Jesus did and since I am supposed to be like him; it's a good idea. However, I have discovered how hard it is in this area. I worked at Wal~Mart a few years ago and I saw these an aweful lot. The worst was in the morning. They were especially out in the morning. I asked a fellow associate one morning, "Do they give away lemons at the door?" She said no and asked why I was curious. I said, "Because everyone in here looks like they sucked on one or two before coming in."
I noticed the last few days while driving around that these are the same faces that were in Wal~Mart. "Why are these people so mean looking?" "Are the new people on the Range getting scared away from the frowning faces?" "Am I an angry looking guy?" These are the questions that meandered through my head. I came up with the following answers.
1. They lack Jesus and His joy.
2. The people leave because of the Fresh air. They need the smog from large cities.
3. I am fairly sure I'm friendly looking . . . When I want to be.

So, the point of this post is kind of to say: Smile at someone and you may shine a ray of light into a part of their heart that otherwise may never see any light. They may look at you like you just shot their dog but it will stick in their proverbial craw.

And just for some fun. . . Random SWEEEEET pics. ? % & @ * #


At 3:54 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] joked...

Whoa.. You worked at wal-mart?

At 4:53 PM, Blogger JC joked...

That post is very good. I don't think those faces aren't just on the Range. They are all over this world- even in church....


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