Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Coffee and such

Hey all. A small update on ya boy's life. It's all good. I got some good CDs recently. New Hillsong, Delirious, SDS, Soul P (I'd never heard of him before but it's cool music) and Starflyer 59 (I like this one a lot. It reminds me of Pink Floyd). But yeah, I am hoping to get the new TFK soon. Like maybe today. Also, I am drinking coffee on an almost daily routine. Anyone else like good coffee? I do.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


Well, I found out the results of my CT scan a couple weeks ago. And the results are . . . I'm still a sick man. Not as bad as I was but there is still a considerable amount of fluid around my pancreas and the good news is that it may be "permanent." That meaning if it's still there in 8 weeks when I go back, I go under the knife to remove it. And the doctor also thinks I should go for one of those weight-reduction surgeries. So, in the next couple months I could go under the knife 2 times. But that's not the only good news he told me. He has a very good theory on what set the pancreatitis off. He believes that in one of the lower ducts I had a blockage and after a couple months of insulin backup it burst and thus forming a good deal of fluid around the area. And he thinks that the duct could possibly still ruptured. So yeah, I guess the only really good news I have is that my liver has decreased about 50% from the first CT scan in June. Which is good because in a year or so I'd have a liver problems. I know I'm being sarcastic with this but the thing is that the time frame the doctors think the blockage formed is around the time I made changes at Men's Advance. So yeah . . . Good news!