Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Over the last few days I have been thinking of some things and began pondering if they are purely coincidence. I will list a few of these "Coincidences".

1. Wife and Life sound remarkably close and are often interchangeable. "Hey Frank, wanna play some basketball on Thursday?" "I need to see what's going on with my life." Substitute wife for life and it still makes sense.
2. It's funny how God is like Cream Soda. . . I need not say anymore.
3. People seem to talk most to you when you have headphones on. . . because clearly you want to be bothered at that time.
4. When you have to get somewhere on time there is always a slow person driving ahead of you until it comes to a yellow-light. They then speed up and leave you stranded at the light (which is now red).
5. The day I actually have my stuff together for class; it is "cancelled".
6. When I plan to stay inside on account of the "rain" I can be out washing my car or cleaning it.

That's all I could come up with. If you have any others; feel free to leave them here. I think I hear my "Wife" calling. (change the words)


At 12:00 AM, Blogger Shainerz joked...

interesting to think about.
The slow drivers one is definetely true!

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Newsy joked...

and the wind always starts to blow when we're raking leaves or canoing. Why? Oh why!!?


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