Monday, March 30, 2009

A return?

Hey everybody. What is new? Well beside the year, month and president. Ok, so a lot has changed. So what has good ol Dangeresque been up to? Well. to sum it up . . . a lot! I went to Florida for a three week vacation/work trip for one. And I loved every second of it. Especially the part where it was 80 there and -80 here. Regardless, as much as I loved it I don't think I could move there. too many angry drivers. And oddly enough, I experienced quite a few big chills down there. I've always thought Minnesota cuties were cold. But Florida girls have them beat. I'd betchya they were colder than the weather here. Ooofda yeah, eh? Again, I digress because Florida isn'tjust about the hunnies. It's about the weather and ocean (which was surprisingly saltier than previously thought). I am gainfully employed through Range Center for those who don't know. The company was kind enough to let me go on the vacation Paid. It was awesome. But anyway, I have fairly busy with work and with life. I've noticed people haven't been commenting/blogging/living except the Col. But anyway, I don't want to leave everyone here reading forever so I shall end with a picture taken in Florida saying what it was all about. The girls. The sun.

The delicious, non-healthy food.

The ocean. The sun. The weather!