Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mingus Dew

Hey all. I notcied like 4 days ago I haven't posted in a while . . . well ok, a real post. I am getting so very bad with my grammar. I am forgetting where commas go, where semi-colons are to be placed and the worst of all grammar mistakes spelling airers. I need new lessons from the greatest teacher ever . . . HELP ME Mr. Carlstrom (Whoops I said greatest teacher). Or I'd at least settle for Mr. Bergan. You'd think that since I graduated from College Prep Writing I'd have an in-depth knowledge of the stuff but with 3 years since I REALLY wrote anything, I've forgotten. I dunno man . . . I suppose I should use the skills I learned in Coll. Prep. Reading to read my grammar book but those skillz are very limited being I only read 1/2 the books (if that).

So I was "seeing a man about a horse", today when I thought it'd be a great idea to become a comedian. The concept came about because I was meandering through some random thoughts and stumbled on the fact that doctors are using skills they learned in college to guide robots through the human circulatory system and then performing surgery. What skills are they? hand-eye coordination learned via Halo, and other good things. But so then I thought of a doctor not being able to unclog an artery and getting frustrated and calling up little Jimmy down the street to come get past the blockage. And the Dr. complaining about how his favorite level is the intestine. But that's all I got to say about that.

If you're reading COMMENT (click on the little button on the bottom of the post that says "0 comments") . . . . else I may not post for another 4 days and keep you all in an anxious state so that you can't sleep at night. I'd hate for sleep to be lost over me. So do yourself a favor and comment. Ok this ends now . . . after this sentence . . . . this sentence here . . . . period.

Donde está mi sombrero Dan

"insert witty quip here"
"even wittier one here"


At 3:17 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] joked...

Mr. Bergan is death.

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Reinman joked...

If your metaphor is accurate, would that make Mr. Carlstrom life?

I don't want to live in a world like that.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger jac-atac joked...

I think I'm going to email Carlstrom and point him to your blog. Then he can comment. HA!

This probably isn't as funny as I think it is.


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