Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A point or two and some random thoughts

Now this post will be posted in a few days or so from March 1st. I am 21 years old- not that old yet- but I came to a query/realization today. Yesterday I did a load of laundry and because I hold such weird hours and am often times forgetful, I left the load in the dryer. Like usual, I would probably take them out later that night.Ratjer than the aforementioned, I am about to doze off & take a nap because I didn't get much sleep the prior night. Instead of hearing the sawing of logs, I hear the nagging voice of my brother telling me to come get my clothes out of the dryer. I said I would later. No biggie; right? Well, apparently, since there were no clothes in either of the washing machines and then no real reason why it couldn't wait, I said just to leave them there. My brother is a man of few convictions and even fewer etiquette practices, so instead of listening to my request, he decided to take my clothes and just "lump" them on top of the dryer so the overflow would fall behind the beastly machine. That was where I drew the line. When his clothes are sitting in the dryer and I need it I take the time to fold his clothes and for that matter anyone else’s' clothes who happen to be occupying it. Is this society so rotten to the core that they just carelessly throw someone else's belongings aside and go about their business? I am not an upstanding citizen but I was taught that if something doesn't belong to you; you take care of it as though it were. Perhaps my brother was "there" upstairs when my grandparents and parents were teaching us that.
I have noticed other mediocrities in men of today's persuasion, that being most won't take time out of their day to hold the door open for a lady whose arms are full and can't reach to grab the handle. While I do not agree with the political beliefs of Mr. Tom Brokaw, he does have a point in that the World War II generation is America's greatest generation. It doesn't matter if the man is sitting in a wheelchair or if he is missing arms or legs from war-wounds or suffered from disease recently, they will hold open a door for a lady. They have the courtesious ambiances that men should carry into today being as we are the grandchildren/children of the greatest genereation.

It is a far stretch from a laundry situation to decency but I am hoping I provided adequate transition. Where has the decency in America gone? Where I ask you? Where?

My few random thoughts are just that . . . random. I will start with the video game "Star Wars: Republic Commando", it is my personal belief that the game should skip the new trilogy and go to the original. I am sure they create a story good enough for it. I have even thought of one. It is evident that the Empire didn't grow but through war. So why not set the game during the invasions of the various planets?

Second, "The Simpsons" need something new. Perhaps the death of a character . . . I won't give any suggestions (*cough *cough **Lisa** cough *cough*). Matt Groening, bring back "Futurama"!

Well I suppose that about wraps up this posting. To quote something someone once said, "Ya know what? If you don't know how to use your seatbelt, just ring your call button and Tommy will come back there and hit you on the head with a tack hammer because you are a retard."

The Dangeresque One

(Or is it Dangeresque Too?)

P.S. So I lied and it was one day.


At 12:42 AM, Blogger MADD Media joked...

I saw your comment on my blog (truediva.blogspot.com) and was thrilled to see i have oustide readers...hope you're still reading : )


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