Monday, March 20, 2006


I think I have a conclusion to my dilemma (see previous post). I remembered that Al Franken (remember him? He was on SNL a long time ago. I bet his campaign slogan is going to be: Vote Franken in 2006. He's good enough, he's smart enough and gosh darn it people like him.") is a Democrat. That may be punishment enough. So I thought some more and concluded the best revenge to take is to take no revenge at all. Weak? I know, but I figure that my vote for Coleman will be enough to kick them in the pants. Oh wait, the emails were for Mike Hatch. I am confident people will go to the polls and be like me, "Who is Mike Hatch? Is he the guy who played Charles on 'Charles in Charge'? No, that was Scott Baio. Why isn't he running for office? He's gotta be like 40 now. I'd vote for Charles."


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