Thursday, March 16, 2006

They have to be that dumb.

So once or twice a week I receive an email from Mike Hatch. Who is it? He's the numbskull who plans to run against my local hero in the next gubernatorial race. I have asked the people who run the campaign to take me off of their email list. No luck. I told them there was no chance in me voting for their joke of a candidate (my words exactly). Still they come. I've told them I'm a super-staunch conservative Republican. And yet, everytime I check my email there their junk sits. Waiting to be beleated. . . Delated. . . deleted. I am all out of ideas on what else to tell them. I've thought of sending them an application to join the RNC.


At 8:33 PM, Blogger JC joked...

maybe you can submit their email to Tim Pawlenty's people.

At 12:07 AM, Blogger Newsy joked...

Both ideas sound brillant. The only other thing we can think of that may help is spaming them with old Newsy News Letters...not that we think they're bad mind you, but we don't pretend to know what a democratic party would think about it.


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