Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The bitter cold truth

So this morning my art teacher told us that this weekend it's supposed to dip into the -30's and -40's. Then without missing a beat he turns and looks directly at me as though I should run screaming out of the room. Then after that I was walking down the hall and some kid told me, "You know it's going to get down into the -30's and -40's this weekend, right?" I just looked at him and kept on walking. After school I had to go to Wal~Mart and pick up art supplies for some collage (or college) project. The cashier at Wal~Mart told me, "This weekend it's supposed to get @$@#*! cold this weekend. Like -30's &-40's." I just grabbed my board and smacked him over the head with it. So when I got home I received a new email from Col. Havoc (I always want to call him Col. Hogan. . . I don't know why. . . ) saying this weekend is supposed to be really, really cold. I am left wondering what this weekend's weather will be like.


At 4:32 PM, Blogger JC joked...

are you still gonna wear shorts?

I sooo don't miss that weather!

At 1:41 PM, Blogger Newsy joked...

Of coures he is, he's kran the man!

We predict it will be in the teens.

At 9:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous joked...

Wow that was hilariously funny. I so want to marry you.



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