Friday, January 20, 2006

Quite possilby the coolest

Well last night was "Killer Thursday" on the Discovery Channel. And if you've paid any sort of attention to the last 3 weeks that means a post on the night. It was really interesting stuff last . . . seriously interesting.

The first program was about with a deadly squid. No, not the one from 20, 000 leagues under the sea. But I think it is the same species. The Humboldt Squid is its name. Well here is a picture of it. Now this squid is unique because it "glows". When it wants to attract food it shines white. It is by far cooler to watch it attack/die. It shines red and white. Well, on to why it's called the "killer squid". It has appx. 30 teeth on each sucker, 150 suckers per tentacles, 8 tentacles: comes to 36,000 teeth. If it doesn't shred the fish it catches, it has a beak that comes from inside its mouth and that tears huge "V"-shaped bits out of it. What's interesting though about the squid are they live only a year long, yet they grow as big as (and in some cases larger than) humans. If you go swimming with them, you need to wear armor. A male photographer was swimming with them once, and was carried down from 40 -70 feet so fast he ruptured his eardrum. These things are cool to watch. I hope I am not the only one who finds this stuff fascinating. I'm a nerd.


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