Thursday, April 05, 2007

An Interview with a Guy

Recently, I was granted a rare opportunity. This opportunity is so rare that in fact this is a first. An interview . . . with Aaron K.

DD- So, I thank you for granting me this interview. I mean you’ve never allowed one before. So, why now?

AK- Well, to be honest there Dangeresque, I thought the people needed to know some vital facts about me that I don’t let people know. For example, many people don’t know that one of my dislikes is eating in front of people. I will force myself to eat if in a public setting but I eat slowly. Just one bit of info for the books.

DD- That’s interesting. Recently, you shaved you beard and head. What’s the reason for the change?

AK- Well, I get this question often. The truth is, I recently changed the attitude of my heart. And, I thought that a change of that magnitude should be reflected on the outside as well as on the inside. And I’ve been thinking of it for a few months now. But I’m going answer a question before you even ask it. I didn’t shave off my goatee because I never risk it. I love my goatee. It’s a symbol of me. It’s who I am.

DD- When did you do it?

AK- Hmmmmmm, two weeks ago so that’d be March 19th or so. I didn’t have class that day and I went upstairs into the bathroom, took a long look at myself, and grabbed for my beard and mustache trimmer. I took one more look at my head of hair and before a second thought came into mind, I shaved a huge stripe down the center of my head.

DD- Interesting. Any regrets?

AK- No. Well, maybe the daily razor burn but that’s ok.

DD- Ok, so let’s move on. You’re very public about your incomplete degree. Why is that?

AK- Well, I know in the Bible it says to do everything as unto the Lord. But I never wanted to go to college in the first place. So why would I want to finish off something I never wanted to do in the first place. And I’m okay with potentially never finishing my degree.

DD- You say potentially?

AK- Yeah, I mean I may go back. It all depends on what I hear from The Father.

DD- Ok. A few more questions. Who are your favorite band/rapper/singer and their best song?

AK-. Well, Can I have a favorite of all three? (Laugh). My favorite band is one that I’ve been a fan of since I first heard their song on the radio (Puppet). It’s Thousand Foot Krutch (TFK).But their best song is by far Small Town. My favorite Rapper. Well, that’s a bit more difficult because single rapper is Pigeon John. I’ve loved his stuff since I first heard it. It’s original and good. His best song. One from his new CD it’s called Money Back Guarantee. Group of rappers or duo is LA Symphony. Again, they are original and the messages are good. Best song? I like Charlie Brown and 187 on the Dance Floor. And my favorite singer . . . ? Man, I don’t know. I am not big into singing as much as the other two. But I do like Chris Tomlin, and David Crowder. I also like some of the country singers I grew up listening to: Johnny Cash, Randy Travis, and Garth Brooks. I’m going to go with them. Best songs are in this order. Tomlin- Not to Us. Crowder- O Praise Him.. Cash- It’s all-good. Randy Travis- I’m Gonna Love You Forever. Garth- I’ll say the best song is Unanswered Prayers because it’s true.

DD- That’s quite a list. I’d like to ask you about your drink of choice. What is it?

AK- Well, that’s an easy enough question. It’s Coke. It’s tasty and bubbly and it goes good with any meal. It’s also good to change it up from time to time, so I will change to a Cherry Coke or in rare, but good, instances Coke with Lime. Or the Vault twins are good. I guess you could just say the Coke family of products with the exception to the Abomination.

DD- Abomination?

AK- Yeah, Vanilla Coke. Whoever thought that up should be fired or hanged or something. A travesty took away precious, precious Coke to make.

DD- Well, you’re a devoted man to your beverage. . . Maybe a little too devoted. One last question. You always wear shorts. Why is that? I mean the people want to know.

AK- Yeah. I get this question a lot. And the truth is there a few reasons. One being, I enjoy being different. I don’t want the attention, I just enjoy being different from others. Another being, I don’t feel cold on my legs and I get hot easily. And the last reason is that it’s who I am and if I were wearing pants, I wouldn’t be me. I’d be someone else. Someone who people would want me to be and I’m not about that.

DD- Ok. That makes sense. Thank you again for the interview. I think the people got what they needed to know hopefully.

AK- No problem. Thank you for taking the time to care. I appreciate it. And to your readers. Keep reading this guy’s stuff. He’s the bomb. Have a good day, Bud.


At 8:13 PM, Blogger Colonel Havoc joked...

Excellent insight, DD. We've been wondering about the "K" man.

At 5:34 PM, Blogger Jamylou joked...

It's good to finally have answers to the years of mystery in knowing the Kran-man!

At 8:27 PM, Blogger Graceland King joked...

In the follow up interview, can you ask Kran what his favorite color is?

At 6:08 PM, Blogger Jamylou joked...

Hey Mr. Interviewman, can you ask Richard where he's been?... Thanks.


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