New Hats
Not much has "gone down" since I last posted. Seriously, I got a couple new hats, I wrote a moderately large argumentative essay on video game violence and how little of it there is (Mr. Wozniak gave me an "A" for some reason). I've drank some Coke too. Gotta love that stuff. But those are all just secondary reasons to post for I have the Grand-daddy for reasons to post.
I wrote a post a while back about a year ago (okay, 51 weels ago) about deodorant and the crappy names that go along with it. I think that someone from Old Spice read my post about the tragedy that is men's deodorant names. The new scents and names for deodorant have finally hit home. AfterHours and Showtime. Those names are suit me perfectly. I like going to stores and it's my opinion that the best time to see a movie is it' s after hoursshowtime. How do they know me so well? I also enjoy coming home late or after hours for stop lights. They also captured my catch phrase for when it's time write a blog. I yell out as loud as possible, "SHOWTIME!!!!!" It makes my neighbors jump but I write pure gold words.