Saturday, April 02, 2005

A truely good person

Today humanity lost a truely good person. Despite your religious beliefs and denominations, you should recognize a man that was totally devoted to God. I personally believe that this was a very "Reagan-esque" man. He wasn't afraid of anything. He stood up to Communism very much the same way Ol' Ronnie did. For those who don't know much about the late Pope's life, he lost both of his parents at an early age (along with his brother). He attended his seminary during the Nazi occupation of Poland. He was turned in to the SS by a fellow student and didn't budge an inch on his faith. He lived through an assassination attempt or two. But as big as those accomplishments are I think this is his greatest. In the 1990's the Pontiff made a visit to Cuba. While there, he was in one of his famous processionals and saw a small homeless child sitting alongside the road. He stopped the whole caravan of cars, got out of his "Pope-mobile" and sat down with the kid and spoke with him. In doing so, I think he said more to Fidel than America has in 40 years. I believe he showed Castro the importance of the young and what really matters in lide. He also did more for Christian-Jewish relations than any Pope before him. He also apologized for the Catholic stance on teh Holocaust. He was a pioneer and a role model. All he wanted was to see Christ and do the Lord's work . . . what an inspiration.

I also got to thinking today. I've been watching the whole ordeal for a few days now. I noticed something today; in the process of two days we as a country and as a people have seen the two extremes of a death. Terri Shiavo was forced to die a death that is beyond inhumane. And she suffered. The Pontiff wanted to go home to his apartment and spend his last few days there. He suffered also (according to the sources on the news). He has said before suffering is a beautiful thing. That stuck with me and I think I finally got what he means. This is my revelation. He being a Christian and knowing the Word of God in something like 17 languages, had to know he was a sinner. Daily he sinned and for each sin- Christ suffered to forgive it. I think the suffering a human goes through before death was beautiful to him because it was as much we could do to honor Christ and get a glimpse of the suffering he went through, as human beings. Maybe I'm wrong and maybe I didn't put it clear enough. I know what I'm saying in my mind I just don't think it came out right. But here's a shout out John Paul.

A Brother In Christ


At 3:21 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] joked...

He truly was an inspiration.

At 8:20 PM, Blogger Jilb joked...

He seemed like a good guy I guess. I didn't really know much about him.

At 1:05 PM, Blogger JC joked...

Good insight.

what's up with never............


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