Sunday, September 25, 2005

The joys

Well loyal reader, I thought I'd throw you all a bone or something like that. I have been rather busy this week. I worked Tuesday through Friday and did like a 1000 things Saturday (notice 1000 things is actually closer to 10). Anyway, I thought I'd share a few things on my mind. . . ready?

Here we go.
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Not a whole lot there. Continuing on . . . A few dear friends came home to visit us. It was delightful to see them. I don't get out of Hibbing much but I should try eh? So, the basement of the CoffeeHouse is painted now too. It looks decent. I can't really describe the color as more than the word "Cappacino" or perhaps the word "Mocha" is a better word. We also did the highway clean-up. It was fun. It kind of made me miss the old Rustproof probably because I thought of all the people we had out there last time. And yesterday, we only had 4 other than myself. It was still good. Well I think that's it.

Let me add one thing. I am going to ask that my reader(s) do me a favor over the following days/weeks/months. I come from a different time in Rustproof. The transition of not having lots of people for activities kind of gets to me 1/2 the time. So could we pray for a change in that whether it be me or if more people start coming to Rustproof. And I suppose a greater involvement in the College activities. Well now I's is out. I mean I'm out.

Lil' Brudder


At 4:08 PM, Blogger JC joked...

Kranny- Yes, I will continue to pray for RP. Don't get discouraged...when RP first started in 2000, there were several times when NO ONE showed up for planned events. We would sit outside the C.H. waiting for one person, and no one would come. Be faithful and the group WILL grow. The community needs RP- they just don't know it it yet.

Don't give up...carry the torch.

Post pictures of the new paint job! I'd love to see it!

At 4:11 PM, Blogger Larry joked...

I talked to Pastor Al today and he told me all the cool things that are happening. It's an exciting time. Change is good. RP will will start to grow and mature.

We are praying for the RP leadership, for direction and creativity. And for the YA's that attend.

We love and miss you guys!

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Nell, your friendly Red Wing Corrections Officer joked...

Kranny..... you may need to pray harder, after all, I may come back and scare eveyone off!

At 10:10 AM, Blogger jac-atac joked...

Mike is right about RP - "we have a good core." It's really up to us. We can't expect people to show up when people don't even know Rustproof exists!

We core folk need to be praying about RP whenever we think about it - we need to be keeping our eyes open to who we should invite, and how to help with the organization of events and plan for people to come.

A huge thing is making sure we are serious about what God can and will do with this ministry (if we are willing). Because if we're not serious about it - if we're not praying - if we're not inviting people - then who the heck would care about Rustproof anyway? You know what I mean? Gosh I'm getting all fired up.

Most of the people who were coming to Rustproof when it started out have moved on. They are married, out of the area, or have other things going on. Granted, a few are just dawdling around and could return. But I believe what Rustproof should be is something quite newer than what it currently is, though we now have a ton of potential. Our coffee group is growing. :)


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