Friday, October 07, 2005

What ever happened to . . .

Well the title says it all. I'm going to wonder what happened to a few people who were prominent figures at some point in time and let you all listen in on my thoughts. The first one that I can think of is Mikey from Life cereal. There was the rumor that he ate a package of Pop Rocks and drank a Coke (good choice) . . . . . . . And then died. Well the Mythbusters busted that myth. So . . . . What happened to our little friend Picky Mikey? Did he really die in some sort of bizarre Roller-Disco accident? Did the life of being rich cause him to change his name to Michael?
I guess the second one(s) on the list is the Lady who asked "Where's the Beef?" We all know the commercial. . . Huge bun; little burger. She wants to eat the meat. Did she ever find the large hamburger she was looking for? There's only one place to find it . . . It's a question for the ages.

And finally, Who here (here- a figurative term used to signal cyber space) remembers the children on "Family Matters"? Well there was Eddie, Laura, Richie, Urkel, and the youngest daughter Judy. Well a few years into the show she disappeared . . . They never explained that one. She's there one day, gone the next. Nobody cared? They didn't even mention her in conversations. Was she locked in Al Capone's vault after opening it? Can we go view her today? I want answers people . . . To take a Dale Gribble stance here: Are all of these government cover-ups? I want to know. But since I'm all for gov't cover-ups, I can't say.

Your Hero,
Richard Milhouse Nixon.


At 10:16 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] joked...

Family Matters is the bomb. Urkel is my one true love.


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