Wednesday, December 28, 2005

No Title

Good Morning Vietnam! I trust you all had a happy Christmas as the brits say. I think I did. This year all of my immediate family decided to come over and we had our traditional Lasagna. I don't know why we chose that to have traditionally. I always thought geese were the preferred tradition, but who cares. Come to think of it; I don't know anyone who actually eats goose on Christmas. I know plenty of peeps who eat ham. . . but no goose.

So my family liked my gift to them . . . mostly. For the boys, I got them robots. I think they are like Legos or K-nex or something. And the girls got what every girl wants: ponies. I say mostly because my brother Ryan told me I had better not get him a toy for Christmas. Oh well. . . .

I got X-Box Live. I am excited. I've played a little bit of Madden on it. . . I got smoked. I don't play that game much though so it's a-ight. I got a blanket and a new beard trimmer. I used the one I got last year like 4 times. I don't mean to sound braggish. I just don't have anything else to post on. Well leave a comment on what you all got. Oh yeah I got smelly stuff. My parents must think I stink or something. . .
Everybody's favorite Republican, (Well at least mine . . . If you can figure out who the second one is I'll give ya a cookie.)

Richard Nixon


At 12:42 PM, Blogger JC joked...

Go W!
ipod nano
Yes I like your new template
no you don't smell

At 11:48 PM, Blogger Reinman joked...

Spiro Agnew (don't anagram it).

Chocolate chip.


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