Friday, April 15, 2005


Ok, the last post was unfair to you, my readers. So I decided to give you some extra expressions. Ok, maybe I won't give expressions. I may give some memories or some other thing. I am mainly posting because that last post sucked lemons.

So I am listening to some Insyders "Skalleluia", and it is decent, but not a POD- "Satellite", calibur cd. But then again what other CD gave great hits like "Ghetto" and "Boom"? I mean for football there is no better song for getting in the mood to lay someone out -cleanly. But yeah, I still need to decide on a movie to do for my project, for WWII. Any suggestions? I will consider them. I also need to focus on a topic for my argument paper for Freshman Comp. I'd like to do a humorous topic for this one. My other papers were too serious . . . as one kid put it "Dry to read."

Well I guess that's enough rambling for now: that should fulfill your hunger to look into my life. Yep, Yep, Mm-mmmm. I think I'm gonna go try and nap before tonight. Or as the french say "WHAAAAA!! WHAAAAAA!! WHAAAAAAAA!!" (please note that is a rough translation of English to French)

Ranger-resque Ran

Some more french for you all, "Whaaaaaaa! Whaaaaaaaa! Whimper . . . whimper. Boo-hoo."

"How is education supposed to make me feel smarter? Besides, every time I learn something new, it pushes some old stuff out of my brain. Remember when I took that home winemaking course, and I forgot how to drive?"

sorry no funny links today . . . other than Coke Monkey ,his cousin Coke Squirrel, & Coke Toucan


At 11:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous joked...

hey, the perfect movie to do would be Father Goose! Excellent story about world war two.


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