Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hello Consumer . . . yes I said Hello consumer

Now you may be asking why I'm calling you all consumers. Well I produce the useless informtation found on this "blog" and you all eat it up like consumers. All like 3 of you. Well, I thought I'd inform you all (3) how I did this semester in my courses at the Hillbilly Community College. I did was well as was to be expected. I totally aced my Freshman Comp. course. Like that wasn't going to happen. I made sure not to skip or turn in papers late. The only true problem I had was reading the usually liberal idealist essays. But back to my achievement. How could I not pass with the great papers I wrote? I mean seriously people. I'm like the next Alexander Hamilton here.

My World War II class I got an "A" in somehow. I didn't think I did so well on the tests, but maybe the project was like 99% of the course grade. I mean I did only retain like a quarter of the facs from it. Thank the Lord for notes. I mean seriously, if it weren't for those difficult notes on how the military used vectors and such to plan bombing raids, I'd be screwed.ok so maybe not. So thus far I'm at 4.00. The only class left is Cultrual Geography.

Well the aforementioned class was easily aced somehow by my favorite person . . . me. Well okay, I'm not really my favorite person. That title belongs to any Miami Hurricane in existence. And even some Minnesota sports stars (pros). Even 1 Oakland Raider or two. But hey Point is I totally got 4.00 this semester. What will I do with myself for summer now you ask? That's an easy one. Drink Coke and Play again. Although play what I'm not so sure. Everytime Coke has a little contest out there, that's all the bottle-caps say to me. So now it's time for . . . . bye

De(the)- Learned Dan.

(Sorry Pres. Bush, you're still my hero. )


At 6:59 PM, Blogger Newsy joked...

Hey what about frizbe football on friday? And did anyone really hear that tree fall?

At 8:19 AM, Blogger Graceland King joked...

I got an "A" one time. Yep, it was in the special class. The teacher said anyone who just shows up gets an A, even if they are dumb as a box of rocks. Or something like that. She was real nice. She even told me I was the best student in the special class. "I've had some real winners in this class before Rob, but you take the cake. I know you will go places and will have a job with a name tag." I do have a job with a name tag too. Things turned out all right.

At 10:22 AM, Blogger JC joked...

thank ya...thank ya very much


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