Sunday, May 15, 2005

A Pentecostal's Birthday

Well readers, today is a birthday for us, Pentecostals. Two-thousand or so years ago, the Holy Spirit came down to visit us here on Earth. It occurred in a small room in Jerusalem with many believers in Christ. The visit was evident because of the fire resting on people's heads. As the populous walked by the room, those who were in there were accused of being drunk, because of the various languages eminating from it. Well, my dear readers, I tell you that today "tongues" is still a sign of the Holy Spirit. Many people choose not to believe in it. And even more say that to be filled with the Holy Ghost, you don't have to speak tongues; that it's just a gift. Well I say to that, "Open the box and receive the gift." People it's just this easy, you can receive more power than you ever imagined; not with money nor by abilities. You can get it through Christ, and Christ alone. So, I end with this: Seek ye the Son of God and the power of the Holy Spirit will follow, for you can't get that power without a relationship with Christ. Happy B-Day Pentecostals.

Dangeresque Dan


At 8:17 PM, Blogger JC joked...

Hey Kran-You are a brave soul! I'm glad to be a pentecostal!


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