Thursday, July 14, 2005

Yad- Sendew

Well if you couldn't tell by the title, this post is about my Wednesday. I am very sad to say that we found out last night that our dear friends in Rustproof and our leaders, the Clair's, will be moving to Springfield, Ill. at the end of August. I will surely miss them. And I will miss Lil' Lauren, but much like when Clayton Ring left with Ethan; it's God's will they leave. We must trust in him and know that in him Rustproof will survive, and also that someone else will come in to take it to the next level. So we should be in support for them. And also for the other leaders of Rustproof and whomever will be the new "Supreme Ultimate Dictators" over Rustproof.



At 2:24 PM, Blogger [ brooke ] joked...

'Tis very sad news, but it is God's will, so they must do what He says. Good luck, Clairs! You will all be truly missed.

At 12:43 PM, Blogger The Lord works! You should, too... joked...

Thats sad!!


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