Monday, May 30, 2005


Well I am the son of an "Army-Man". I took 4 years of a class in High School that was near and dear to my heart with the principles taught. This is a side-track, but now Hibbing wants to cut that class and in my opinion it's a crying shame. Hibbing could cut other useless courses or other things that produce no money. But back to my point, today is a day for remembering what so many have done to protect our freedom. There is no better example of those people than the World War II generation. But I want to make one thing clear. They may be the most famous of the generations to sacrifice for their country but I think another generation did even more to save freedom than any other. Granted their moral-integrity may not have been the best but their defense of freedom was very close to that of our forefathers. What generation is that? The (American) Civil War generation. Farfetched? No. They may have looked down upon people because of their skin color but they knew full well what human rights had to be observed. They went to war with their brothers, fathers, uncles to preserve the God-given right of freedom. So perhaps I may be stretching the fabric of what Memorial day is but I always thought it was for those who have gone to war to protect and honor Freedom. I will make this addition to a great generation of people who have gone to defend freedom. The case this time is in another part of the world. Vietnam vets . . . I appreciate what you did. Had I been alive at that time, I would have congratulated you for doing something I don't think I'd have the stomach to do. You are heroes (All of you who acted accordingly to the Geneva Convention). Thank-you to all the men who went to defend the cause of freedom when I know I couldn't do it. You are more courageous than I.


(If you're reading and not leaving a comment you're stealing from the author and America itself.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Hello Consumer . . . yes I said Hello consumer

Now you may be asking why I'm calling you all consumers. Well I produce the useless informtation found on this "blog" and you all eat it up like consumers. All like 3 of you. Well, I thought I'd inform you all (3) how I did this semester in my courses at the Hillbilly Community College. I did was well as was to be expected. I totally aced my Freshman Comp. course. Like that wasn't going to happen. I made sure not to skip or turn in papers late. The only true problem I had was reading the usually liberal idealist essays. But back to my achievement. How could I not pass with the great papers I wrote? I mean seriously people. I'm like the next Alexander Hamilton here.

My World War II class I got an "A" in somehow. I didn't think I did so well on the tests, but maybe the project was like 99% of the course grade. I mean I did only retain like a quarter of the facs from it. Thank the Lord for notes. I mean seriously, if it weren't for those difficult notes on how the military used vectors and such to plan bombing raids, I'd be screwed.ok so maybe not. So thus far I'm at 4.00. The only class left is Cultrual Geography.

Well the aforementioned class was easily aced somehow by my favorite person . . . me. Well okay, I'm not really my favorite person. That title belongs to any Miami Hurricane in existence. And even some Minnesota sports stars (pros). Even 1 Oakland Raider or two. But hey Point is I totally got 4.00 this semester. What will I do with myself for summer now you ask? That's an easy one. Drink Coke and Play again. Although play what I'm not so sure. Everytime Coke has a little contest out there, that's all the bottle-caps say to me. So now it's time for . . . . bye

De(the)- Learned Dan.

(Sorry Pres. Bush, you're still my hero. )

Friday, May 20, 2005

A goodie

Well, I said yesterday on Pastor Al's blog that I was going to review Star Wars Episode III, but I won't give it a full review. I will just say a few things about it. 1. It left me wanting more. 2. It was everything the first 2 should have been. and 3. George did the good thing with Jar-Jar.

Well that's it for the movie so now I will review a Cd I bought a few months ago and have tried to listen to it all but just can't.

Grits- Dichotomy B. The first 2 songs are probably the only two good songs on the CD. It doesn't have the one hit though that The Art of Translation did. Or even Grammatical Revolution. It does though have a few follow-up hits. You know the ones that are released so the band stays in your mind. The lyrics are good but sometimes unclear. The hooks are off-beat from the . . . well beat. It seems to me they were trying too hard for the "new style" of rap. But I must say that Grits is still one of the top Christian Rap Groups (only topped by LA Symphony). So all-in-all I say it's a C+ on a grading scale (7.89 out of 10). Bye.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005


Monday marked my official start of summer. It's not because Church-league softball started or anything. It's not because the peeps are home from school or anything. It most certainly wasn't because I wore shorts. I've been wearing them all winter long. My reason for the official start of summer was that I bought he first bag of "seeds". Not any special kind of seeds but Sunflower Seeds. I love the little things. I like David's flavored ones. The regular ones are too salty for me.

Star Wars opens tonight. I think I'm going to go after my WWII final. Since that class is done after tonigt, what will I do with my Wednesday Nights?

I bought ESPN MLB 2K5 and love it. It took a while to get used to, and I still don't have the controls down pat. But the good news is I can win some games as the Twins. Well I think sometime later this week I'll give another music review. I find a good CD and use that one. . . . or will I?

DH Dan

Sunday, May 15, 2005

A Pentecostal's Birthday

Well readers, today is a birthday for us, Pentecostals. Two-thousand or so years ago, the Holy Spirit came down to visit us here on Earth. It occurred in a small room in Jerusalem with many believers in Christ. The visit was evident because of the fire resting on people's heads. As the populous walked by the room, those who were in there were accused of being drunk, because of the various languages eminating from it. Well, my dear readers, I tell you that today "tongues" is still a sign of the Holy Spirit. Many people choose not to believe in it. And even more say that to be filled with the Holy Ghost, you don't have to speak tongues; that it's just a gift. Well I say to that, "Open the box and receive the gift." People it's just this easy, you can receive more power than you ever imagined; not with money nor by abilities. You can get it through Christ, and Christ alone. So, I end with this: Seek ye the Son of God and the power of the Holy Spirit will follow, for you can't get that power without a relationship with Christ. Happy B-Day Pentecostals.

Dangeresque Dan

Friday, May 13, 2005

It's finally Hurr

Well I was once an unbeliever, but now I think the X-Box is by far better than the Playstation. Microsoft has finally uncovered the newest X-box. It's called X-Box 360. Here's the site you can go to check it out. It's totally freakin sweet. Well I, the Dangeresque one must be off. I have things to dangerify and as always I have things to "esque". Keep looking to the . . . . . . . um . . . . . . err . . . . . . 80's for inspiration.

Dangeresque Too?

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Done at last

At last I have finished my third greatest written achievement (behind Mr. Dan Bergan's research paper and my fourth grade book report). I had to write a paper on a World War II movie from 3 perspectives: a movie critics, my own perspective and the most difficult one, a Historians. Needless to say I droned on through the first 2 parts only to sluff on the third. I tried to find the true historical facts of the Battle for Stalingrad; only to find about 3,000,000 biograpies on Jude Law. Sad? I know. My mind is totally tapped of all useful knowledge. I hope I remember how to use a sound-board for this weekend. I should be fully recovered by Friday.

With the exception of Finals next week I am done with all assignments for school. Time to live it up and not study for finals. That'll stick it to the man. Well it's not as though my finals are hard. I do have 2 essay-like finals where I answer questions by the teacher and 1 I ain't too sure about. Did I inspire you all?
Do I have that trustworthy a face that people must tell me their secrets? I'll give an example. Tonight a fellow in my WWII class comes up to me before we're supposed to hand in our Projects and tells me he didn't write his; he had a girl do it in return for a $50 of pot. Why tell me? Well I suppose I should end this here.


Feel free to check out those links over here somewhere ------------------------->

"I just thought you should know all your underwears somehow ended up individually priced and labeled in an online auction"

Monday, May 09, 2005

Your #1 Match: ENFP

The Inspirer
You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!
You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

My life

Well I just thought I'd change things up a bit for one post at least. So let's try this.

Music is one of my hobbies. I like reviewing it and listening to it so I'll try a written review. I recently bought Jeremy Camp's third CD entitled "Restored". I love the man's music. I think he is such a good singer and has a talent sent only by God. However, in this CD, I have to admit I thought he was very whiny. I hate to say it but it must be said. While "Stay" was loaded with hits and "Carried Me" was beyond my expectations, this CD has at maximum -3 hits. It's slower and he doesn't really sing like he normally does. It sounds like he was kicked in the groin every time he entered the booth for recording. He also stepped away from the acoustic it sounds like. So my judgement comes down to this: If you like Jeremy Camp buy the CD, I don't really recommend it. I respect your opinions so respect mine.

The Dangeresque One.

I may or may not be doing this from time to time. If you have a CD you'd like reviewed by a master let me borrow it to listen to.

The end is now!"

Monday, May 02, 2005

No good

Well kiddies, I decided to post. I finally got sick of looking at those intestines. Well actually I was sick the first time I saw them. I just pasted the address right away. So . . . I finally came up with a topic for my argument paper. The topic is hard to describe but if you all want to know just ask and I will send you a copy of it. I do ask that you leave your email addy so it'd be easier to send. Yeah I got an email from Miss Jamie today. It is always good to hear from her.

To change the subject abruptly. Saturday Night I was up all night. I assited in the Prom Alternative. It was a blast. I never thought it was so much fun helping out with the kiddies. Well I did . . . I just forgot. It also made me realize how old I am. I remember the seniors when they first came into the Youth Group. There were a lot of competitions. One was Karoke. So Pastor Randy's dad (Bob), Faye Gibson, LeRoy Mackey and myself decided to participate in the Karoke competition and butcher the song "Runaround Sue" by Dion (not the Wanderer-sorry Mr. Dan Bergan- greatest teacher ever!). FYI my total for hours not slept between Sat-Sun was like 36 and boy was I tired. I came home to a soaking wet bed. My step-mom spilled a lot of water on the floor above and never considered it may leak through to my room. A tired person is a crabby person. Well that closes this post.

I will make this addition to it. D-mac, Larry and myself helped Jeff Benson out on Sunday and it was such a blessing to help him out. You da Man Jeff. Now it's closed.

Dangeresque Dan

Lead vocals right thurr . . . (boom boom chik) "Am I living a lie? These people say You get what you deserve Somebody on the other end flippin me the bird." ~ LA Symphony (Ghana Homage)

"Help me GeeBus!"