Near& Dear
Well friends, it's time to post again. The last few posts have been random ramblings ruv rye rind. Whoops. Alliteration is always a plus. Anyway, I thought I'd talk this morning about a subject, as the title suggests, near & dear to my heart. What is it? God? No, I could write for eons and still not have said all there is about The Man. So is it about TFK? Probably not. I think Rustprooof wants to go see my band. I mean my favorite band. So, what is it then? Well it's deodorant. Why do they call it deodorant? I personally have never seen the Odorant. It's kind of strange like that. And a few other things. Why do we put it under our armpits? Aren't the arms closed most of the day and under shirts? I guess it's a mystery for the ages. Why does men's deodorant get the "gay" names? "Glacial Falls" "Aqua Reef" "Mountain Rush". I want to see names like "Bloody Killing Field" and "Freshly Gutted Deer". And finally, why aren't cologne or perfume called deodorant? They are what makes us smell good, aren't they? Well kiddies and adults, it's time to fly. Peace Y'all! Dis boy is gone.